
The chipmunk song(Christmas don't be late)_歌谱投稿_词曲:无 艾尔文与花栗鼠

时间 : 2023-04-28 作者 : 毛毛熊ab 点击 :

The chipmunk song(Christmas don't be late)(萨克斯简单版)

《The chipmunk song(Christmas don't be late)》文本歌词

(Dave:)Alright you Chipmunks Ready to sing your song?
(Alvin:)I'd say we are
(Theodore:)Yeah Lets sing it now!
(Dave:)Okay Simon?
(Dave:)Okay Theodore?
(Dave:)Okay Alvin?...Alvin?...ALVIN!!!
Christmas Christmas time is near
Time for toys and time for cheer.
We've been good but we can't last
Hurry Christmas Hurry fast.
Want a plane that loops the loop
(Alvin:) Me I want a Hula-Hoop.
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas don't be late.
(Dave:) Ok Fellas Get ready.
That was very good Simon.
(Dave:)Very Good Theodore
(Theodore:) He He He He
(Dave:)Uh Alvin You were a little flat
So watch it Alvin...Alvin?...ALVIN!!!
Want a plane that loops the loop
(Alvin:)I still want a Hula-Hoop.
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas don't be late.
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas don't be late.
(Dave:) Very good boys
(chimpmunk:) lets sing it again!
(Another 1:) yeah lets sing it again!
(Dave:) no thats enough lets not overdo it.
(A Chipmunk:) what do you mean over do it!?
we wanna sing it again!
(dave:) now wait a minute boys.

The chipmunk song(Christmas don't be late)_歌谱投稿_词曲:无 艾尔文与花栗鼠简谱歌词是曲谱查询网于2023年04月28日 21:50:22更新在曲谱投稿频道中的内容,收录在曲谱投稿栏目中;曲谱查询网分享的The chipmunk song(Christmas don't be late)_歌谱投稿_词曲:无 艾尔文与花栗鼠简谱五线谱高清图片,欢迎在线免费下载;曲谱查询网无需注册,即可直接下载海量歌曲谱与乐器学习相关资料。


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