歌曲选自席卷全球的迪士尼原创电视电影《歌舞青春》2(《High School Musical》)。
Once in a lifetime
Means there's no second chance
So I believe that you and me
Should grab it while we can
Make it last forever
And never give it back
It's our turn
And I'm loving where we're at
Because this moment's really all we have
Everyday,of our lives
Wanna find you there
Wanna hold on tight
Gonna run
While we're young
And keep the faith
From right now
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand
Together we will celebrate
They say that you should follow
And chase down what you dream
But if you get lost and lose yourself
What does is really mean?
No matter where we're going
It starts from where we are
There's more to life when we listen to our hearts
And because of you
I've got the strength to start
Everyday,of our lives
Wanna find you there
Wanna hold on tight
Gonna run
While we're young
And keep the faith
From right now
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand
Together we will celebrate
We're taking it back
We're doing it here
It's better like that
And stronger now
Than ever!
We're not gonna lose
'Cause we get to choose
That's how it's gonna be!
Of our lives
Wanna find you there
Wanna hold on tight
Gonna run
While we're young
And keep the faith
Keep the faith!
Everyday,of our lives
Wanna find you there
Wanna hold on tight
Gonna run
While we're young
And keep the faith
From right now
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand
Together we will celebrate
Everyday(美国)_外国歌谱_词曲:简谱歌词是曲谱查询网于2023年05月14日 08:38:02更新在外国曲谱频道中的内容,收录在外国曲谱栏目中;曲谱查询网分享的Everyday(美国)_外国歌谱_词曲:简谱五线谱高清图片,欢迎在线免费下载;曲谱查询网无需注册,即可直接下载海量歌曲谱与乐器学习相关资料。