《Lovely You》文本歌词
Lovely You电影《全城高考》片尾曲
Tell me I am a part of you
Into my world I'll take you home
I gotta find you
Lovely you
You have lost faith
But just believe in me
Just look into my eyes
And you will see
Please let me fix you
Lovely you
Show me you love me
Yes you should take that part
Back into my life
Enlightening your heart
Just realize
I am your shining star
Aah Lovely you
Aah Lovely you
No one else but you can guide my heart
No one else but you can guide my heart
Aah Lovely you
Aah Lovely you
No one else but you can guide my heart
No one else but you can guide my heart
Lovely You_歌曲简谱_词曲:Pitt 刘沁简谱歌词是曲谱查询网于2023年02月20日 10:02:06更新在乐谱大全频道中的内容,收录在乐谱大全栏目中;曲谱查询网分享的Lovely You_歌曲简谱_词曲:Pitt 刘沁简谱五线谱高清图片,欢迎在线免费下载;曲谱查询网无需注册,即可直接下载海量歌曲谱与乐器学习相关资料。