试听地址中为英文原版 MP3试听:http://www.kuwo.cn/yinyue/1222656/MV欣赏:http://www.iqiyi.com/v_19rrhs24p8.html#vfrm=2-3-0-1
Let's start at the very beginning a very good place to start
When you read you begin with A B C
When you sing you begin with Do-Re-Mi
Do-Re-Mi Do-Re-Mi the first three notes just happen to be
Do-Re-Mi Do-Re-Mi Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti
Doe a deer a female deer; Ray a drop of golden sun
Me a name I call myself; Far a long long way to run
Sew a needle pulling thread; La a note to follow sew
Tea a drink with jam and bread; That will bring us back to Do
Oh oh oh Doe Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do
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